A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
Join Taśman in his quest to wrap everything in TAŚMAN Sealed duct tape!
In this short, arcade-y game for your Nintendo 3DS explore the famous Lewiatan grocery store of Księżomierz and flex your tape-wrapping skills as the clock is ticking!
You play as Adam a.k.a. "Taśman". You came to the local Lewiatan of Księżomierz to promote your brand - TAŚMAN™ Sealed. But it's Kasia's shift today and she won't allow it! Wrap as many items as you can in your duct tape and get back in Zakre's Seiac before the guards catch you!
How to play
The game was made for Nintendo 3DS systems first, with the following controls:

For the desktop version, you can use a USB gamepad or a keyboard. Mappings for the keyboard version are like so:
- A button = X
- B button = Left Control
- Start = Escape
- Movement = WSAD or arrow keys
During the game there are also mini-sections that require you to use your touchscreen - on desktop it's handled with mouse input.
Most of the game assets come from LimeZu's packs: Modern Interiors, Modern Exteriors, Modern UI, Serene Village Revamped
MIDI files used for soundtrack come from MuseScore:
Menu Music - Loch Lomond
Action Music - Break the Rules
Nintendo 3DS port of LÖVE - LÖVE Potion by TurtleP
Nintendo 3DS compatibility layer for LÖVE - nëst by TurtleP
And of course the awesome game framework - LÖVE
Install instructions
Desktop version
Downloading and playing the desktop version is pretty straightforward. Just... download and play! TasmanQuest.zip contains a Windows executable, but if you have LOVE 11.4 installed on your system you can play the TasmanQuest.love file instead.
Nintendo 3DS/2DS version
If you want to play the game on a Nintendo 3DS/2DS, you need it modded with The Homebrew Launcher installed. Put the TasmanQuest.3dsx file on your SD card, open up The Homebrew Launcher, navigate to the file and press "A".
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when i run it on a old 3ds it gives me this error
lib/cargo.lua:70: std::bad_alloc
[love "callbacks.lua"]:396: in function 'handler'
[C]: in function 'loader'
lib/cargo.lua:70: in function <lib/cargo.lua:59>
scenes/game.lua:406: in function '?'
entities/level.lua:33: in function 'loadInteractableObjects'
entities/level.lua:145: in function 'new'
scenes/game.lua:476: in function <scenes/game.lua:469>
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
scenes/menu.lua:27: in function 'after'
lib/timer.lua:44: in function 'updateTimerHandle'
lib/timer.lua:63: in function <lib/timer.lua:53>
(tail call): ?
main.lua:91: in function '?'
lib/gamestate.lua:94: in function 'update'
[love "callbacks.lua"]:287: in function <[love "callbacks.lua"]:263>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
Hi, thanks for the comment. I don't have an o3ds to test but I know a friend who played it on his o2ds and it worked fine. Maybe your CFW installation is old?
TaśmanQuest uses now obsolete 2.4.1 version of LÖVE Potion, the most recent one is 3.0.1 and there is another rewrite (3.1) on the way. I will be looking into porting this game to 3.1 when it releases, possibly with more WiiU support and more content.
Also sorry for the late reply, I kinda forgot about this page after months of inactivity lol.